India-Myanmar Solar Energy Workshop

17 March 2015

An India-Myanmar Solar Energy Workshop was organized on 17 March 2015 at Yangon under the aegis of Embassy of India, Yangon. Indian Renewable Energy Federation (IREF) along with Global Protek Singapore Ltd, Renewable Energy Associati on of Myanmar, and Myanmar Engineering Society were the promoters of the event. The event was supported by Myanmar M inistry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development.
The workshop was designed with the following objectives:

  • Discussi ons on recent regulatory, policy and technical aspects of solar power development in India that can be taken forward as best practices.
  • To serve as the discussion platform for the collaboration between India and Myanmar on solar development in Myanmar.
  • Providing po
    licy inputs on comprehensive solar program development in Myanmar.
  • Identifying
    financing options available and way forward.
  • Sharing of p
    roject development experience of India.

The event was a success and received participation from leading solar developers, manufactures, Industry Associations and Government agencies from both countries.

The details of the program can be accessed on the following link: India-Myanmar Solar Energy Workshop 2015

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